Wednesday, September 5, 2007

making myself home

Dear Void...
Many times I have considered the idea of creating a blog,
just to talk, publish my thoughts, opinions, my writings, maybe waste sometime...whatever..I don't know..

But maybe at some points, void is considered "dear" to talk to, compared to the rest of alternatives.

At any rate, the time has come to capture you here and hold you still, and when it feels like i need to rant, reminisce, anticipate, quote an incident, post my never published writings, or blab and talk nonsense just for the sake of it, which i expect to happen quite frequently...
i want you to be right here, waiting for me..


Gemini Girl said...

Hi Sweetie,
I liked your blog, keep going sister.

with all my love

Adoosh said...

Welcome to the sphere superNova..

Best of luck

Unknown said...

kamashtoky :D

yalla I added your blog to my favorite blogs list :yai:

bel tawfee2 :wardeh:

SuperNova said...

thanx candy and addoush for passing by :)
and please enjoy your stay in my very humble space.

SuperNova said...

ramroum on my blog 7etta wa7da? :D
ahlan wa sahlan,w sank u :)

Anonymous said...

Dear supernova,
i like ur space, hope to keep it up eng nova and i'll be ur Permanent
guest if u don't mind :shy:
best of luck..