Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008?

I've always wondered, when we say happy new year, is it a sincere wish or just wishful thinking? at any rate i truly hope it'll be happy year for Jordan and the rest of the world, now that's wishful thinking..

Since life is what you make it, I can't see a reason why the resolutions you take have to be time stamped with new year's eve date, what really matters is that these resolutions you take are actually doable, on a personal level, 2007 was a very busy fluctuating year in every aspect that led to a mess, a huge set of choices and options, and still no clear decisions, so as far as I'm concerned I haven't even gained enough perspective to list down what I really want at this point, but I'm getting there, hopefully.

This morning while I was enjoying wasting my time for a change, I came across some really funny new year's quotes, and this was my favorite:

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.

signed by Anonymous.

Now to come and think of it, it's almost always the real case. An example of the "old habit" in the quote above, is the despair and the drain of energy that took over Jordanian people and increased recently, we know we have to make some changes, and we do know indeed that we should counteract some others, we just "don't feel like it" because "what's the point?", and honestly I can't think of a motivation to trigger any action in the coming year.

During the same killing-time session, I recieved this sad in a funny way comic that I can't resist ending my post with, and that will really save me a long post describing the "happy" year we will spend in Jordan.

What a very positive post to start the new year :D
I truly wish every reader a fruitful year, what you consider fruitful is your own choice.

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