..but if it's all you have, please don't be indifferent.
sign the petition.
spread the word.
don't be a waste of space.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
كي لا ننسى
يصادف اليوم،
أول أيام العيدعندنا
وذكرى أحداث أخرى..
ما زالت مستمرة عندهم
سلبت أعيادهم
اضعف الايمان
منذ اصبحنا
"نحن" و "هم"
ان لا ننسى
أول أيام العيدعندنا
وذكرى أحداث أخرى..
ما زالت مستمرة عندهم
سلبت أعيادهم
اضعف الايمان
منذ اصبحنا
"نحن" و "هم"
ان لا ننسى
-----------------------------------------------------------------8/12.. ذكرى انطلاق الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الأولى
يصادف اليوم الاثنين الثامن من كانون الأول 2003 ذكرى انطلاق الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الأولى، التي اندلعت من غزة في 8/12/1987 وانتقلت الى كافة المناطق الفلسطينية فوراً. واندلعت الشرارة الأولى لانتفاضة أطفال الحجارة عندما قام سائق شاحنة صه يوني بدهس مجموعة من العمال الفلسطينيين عند حاجز ايريز الذي يفصل قطاع غزة عن الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة منذ عام 48، مما أسفر عن استشهاد واصابة عدد منهم.وانتفض الفلسطينيون عقب مسيرات تشييع الشهداء ضد قوات الاحتلال الصهيوني التي كانت تتحكم وتتجبر بالفلسطينيين العزل، فقاموا دبابات وطائرات الاحتلال بالحجارة، حتى ابتكروا أساليب المقاومة، وسط صمود أسطوري لم يسبق له مثيل في التاريخ البشري.وانتهت الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الأولى بتوقيع اتفاق أوسلو في 13/9/1993 بين منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية والكيان الصهيوني الذي كان يرأس حكومته القتيل رابين.وعندما لم يحقق الفلسطينيون شيئا في مفاوضاتهم مع الاحتلال، وعندما ضرب الصهاينة عرض الحائط بكافة الاتفاقات الموقعة بين الجانبين عاد الفلسطينيون والنتفضوا مجدداً في انتفاضة الأقصى التي اندلعت في 28/9/2000، وهي الانتفاضة التي ما تزال مستمرة حتى الان رغم المحاولات الحثيثة من أطراف عديدة لوقفها
الى متى؟
Saturday, November 8, 2008
النجاح و الفشل..اقتباس
لم يشغل بالك بطل القصة يومها بل مؤلفهاو رغبت في أن تكن مثله..شيء جميلو لكن كيف؟انك انسان لا يجرؤ على مواجهة نفسهو مثل لك فشلك أن ما يلزمك هو التجربةلماذا افتعلت الأشياء؟لماذا لم تجلس- يومها- بهدوء؟و تعترف بأنك فشلت؟أهلك يحدون حريتك؟ اتركهمأصدقاؤك يضحكون؟ اهجرهمعملك لا يعطيك التجربة؟
استقل!ثم ماذا؟ انت الان تحمل جدرانك الأربعة و
تمشي كإنسان من جبسلماذا لم تعترف من الأساس بأن الكذبة
الكبيرة كانت من صنع فشلك؟انت حسبت لو تصرفت بصورة مغايرة،لكنت نتاجاً مغايراً! أية كذبة!ألق بعقب السيجارة..البيت لن يحترقحتى لو احترق..فسيبقى فوق رأسكأيها الرجل الكئيبهناك ما نسيتهلن أقول لك ما هوتجول في الغرفة كقطة محبوسة في خزانة طعام فارغةأتعرف ماذا نسيت؟أن تعيش حياتك أنت، لا حياة أخرى
موت سرير رقم 12
غسان كنفاني
قلمك موجع في هذه الأسطر يا كنفاني..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
أهلا رمضان
لم استطع استقبالك قبل اليوم
و أنت الآن تهم بالرحيل
كعادتي أنا
سيئة التوقيت
مبكرة بضع مرات
و متأخرة في مرات أكثر
أعتذر عن كل يومٍ مضى منك
و أنا أحاول عدم الخضوع لروعتك
لأسباب لا أعلمها
و أعلم اني أمقتها
هل كنت بعيدة؟
أم مُبعدة؟
هل ضللت طريقي؟
أم تمت معاقبتي؟
لا يهم
شكراً لانتظاري
شكراً لاصرارك على عدم الرحيل
دون ان تغدقني بما لا أستحق
من الطهر و الغفران و الدموع
يا لجمالك يا رمضان
يا لكرمك يا رب
و يا لجهلي و عنادي
و يا لجهلي و عنادي
الحمد لله
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hushhhhh. The secrets tag
i was recently tagged by naser to give out 6 things people may not know about me, so there. mesh mas2oleh 3n el content wala el nata2ej unless they're positive :D
1- in 1993, we went to baghdad to visit my uncle where he and my father had a shared business. the war was supposed to be over. On our second day there, me, my sister and my cousin where playing this game called "lo3bet el 7ayah", a copy of monopoly, but since no importing was allowed by saddam the iraqies made this game by themselves, anyways, all of a sudden electricity and phone lines where out, and the bombing started. the houses around us became even with the ground, our neighbours were all killed and all windows of our house burst into small shatters of glass when a rocket fell in the garden and turned it into ashes. military hilocapters kept roaming above, the sound alone made us freaze with fear. i was 9 back then, now at the age of 24, every single time i hear a plane pass by, i get scared and convinced that it's going to crash right on my head that i start saying shahadah, and stay still untill it goes away!
2- in the busyness of work and study life, and due to the large number of my family members, the one and only place where i'm alone is a taxi cab. i can never tell how my mood changes once i close the door, i just set back and drift away and do all the thinking waiting to be processed. i could come up with a solution to a certain problem, get determined, take a decision, anticipate, reminice, read, anything that needs isolation from the outer world. although there is a driver and maybe a very annoying song and smoke in the air. it's my sanctuary. i need to hire someone just to drive around with me setting in the backseat, it's much different than driving and it could be a career if there were more freaks like me out there.
3- at the age of 19 i needed to get physical therapy for my knees for 2 months. i made up excuses to leave classes or my freinds to go to the hospital. where i felt aweful being in so much pain and being the youngest among 70 year old women giving me sad looks that i would close the curtains and start reading something for school till the 2 hours from hell were over. so there. this is something no one knows about me excpet for my mom, who also made me feel aweful pittying my poor health.
4- i could fully read and write at the age of 4
5- when i was young i wanted to run away from home like a million times and started real planning and thinking what to pack and how to get money
6- it all started in the seventh grade where i dream about something that would happen the next day, really simple stuff like my friend is going to have a hair cut tomorrow, or i'm going to forget ktab el 3arabi bokra. and then some useful stuff at college started to appear like questions that would be on the exam tomorrow. it esclated now to scary scary dreams, people being tortured in the ugliest ways you can imagine and it's like i'm there physically knowing -in the dream- that for example i'm in afghanistan or iraq or palestine now, the people who are having their heads cut, or being burnt, or thrown into boiling water or shoot to death, will be on the news bokra wel 5abar 7aykoun "maqbara jama3eyyeh majhooleh". and only me got to see what really happened. oh my god the blood, the squashed bones, the screams, i want this to stop. i know you think i'm crazy, maybe i was touched by aliens and have super powers to travel in my sleep but i really want this to stop. no one know so maybe if i said it now r7 te5rab hadi el "gift" w a5las menha.
keep them coming :)
i hereby tag loza, adoosh, rawia , and gimini girl.
1- in 1993, we went to baghdad to visit my uncle where he and my father had a shared business. the war was supposed to be over. On our second day there, me, my sister and my cousin where playing this game called "lo3bet el 7ayah", a copy of monopoly, but since no importing was allowed by saddam the iraqies made this game by themselves, anyways, all of a sudden electricity and phone lines where out, and the bombing started. the houses around us became even with the ground, our neighbours were all killed and all windows of our house burst into small shatters of glass when a rocket fell in the garden and turned it into ashes. military hilocapters kept roaming above, the sound alone made us freaze with fear. i was 9 back then, now at the age of 24, every single time i hear a plane pass by, i get scared and convinced that it's going to crash right on my head that i start saying shahadah, and stay still untill it goes away!
2- in the busyness of work and study life, and due to the large number of my family members, the one and only place where i'm alone is a taxi cab. i can never tell how my mood changes once i close the door, i just set back and drift away and do all the thinking waiting to be processed. i could come up with a solution to a certain problem, get determined, take a decision, anticipate, reminice, read, anything that needs isolation from the outer world. although there is a driver and maybe a very annoying song and smoke in the air. it's my sanctuary. i need to hire someone just to drive around with me setting in the backseat, it's much different than driving and it could be a career if there were more freaks like me out there.
3- at the age of 19 i needed to get physical therapy for my knees for 2 months. i made up excuses to leave classes or my freinds to go to the hospital. where i felt aweful being in so much pain and being the youngest among 70 year old women giving me sad looks that i would close the curtains and start reading something for school till the 2 hours from hell were over. so there. this is something no one knows about me excpet for my mom, who also made me feel aweful pittying my poor health.
4- i could fully read and write at the age of 4
5- when i was young i wanted to run away from home like a million times and started real planning and thinking what to pack and how to get money
6- it all started in the seventh grade where i dream about something that would happen the next day, really simple stuff like my friend is going to have a hair cut tomorrow, or i'm going to forget ktab el 3arabi bokra. and then some useful stuff at college started to appear like questions that would be on the exam tomorrow. it esclated now to scary scary dreams, people being tortured in the ugliest ways you can imagine and it's like i'm there physically knowing -in the dream- that for example i'm in afghanistan or iraq or palestine now, the people who are having their heads cut, or being burnt, or thrown into boiling water or shoot to death, will be on the news bokra wel 5abar 7aykoun "maqbara jama3eyyeh majhooleh". and only me got to see what really happened. oh my god the blood, the squashed bones, the screams, i want this to stop. i know you think i'm crazy, maybe i was touched by aliens and have super powers to travel in my sleep but i really want this to stop. no one know so maybe if i said it now r7 te5rab hadi el "gift" w a5las menha.
keep them coming :)
i hereby tag loza, adoosh, rawia , and gimini girl.
Monday, May 19, 2008
When the tears devour you
all happy moments you had go down the drain
When you're floating 1 foot above the ground,
glowing with joy
sad memories and anticipations suddenly become obsolete
When love is all around and so intense
that it infiltrates you
all the hate and pain in the world is out of reach
And when pain does hit and shatter you to pieces,
the joy you had just yesterday vanishes into thin air
Presence of a feeling does eliminate its opposite in you in a funny way.
does it all come down to 0's and 1's to you?
Real life is analogue with various glitches and spikes,
where all opposites ironically combine,
get real to live!
all happy moments you had go down the drain
When you're floating 1 foot above the ground,
glowing with joy
sad memories and anticipations suddenly become obsolete
When love is all around and so intense
that it infiltrates you
all the hate and pain in the world is out of reach
And when pain does hit and shatter you to pieces,
the joy you had just yesterday vanishes into thin air
Presence of a feeling does eliminate its opposite in you in a funny way.
does it all come down to 0's and 1's to you?
Real life is analogue with various glitches and spikes,
where all opposites ironically combine,
get real to live!
Monday, March 3, 2008
يمكن نسينا بيوم..إن العرب إخوان
أظن إنه هذه هي الجملة المكررة في الأوبريت الجديد "الضمير العربي"حضرتوه؟انسم بدنكم؟بكيتوا؟و بعديها قلبتوا على
ولا كيف؟ يمكن مش على طول، مشان أكون واقعية
هذا مش أحد المواضيع اللي بدعي فيها الكاتب إنه ملاك و عارف الحل و جاي يلقي المواعظ. أنا مش منهم.لأنه أنا مش ملاك. نعم حضرت الأوبريت، نعم بكيت، نعم ما استحملت الغضب اللي تراكم بسرعة، لكن بعد 10 دقايق إجوا دار عمي و قمت أعمل شاي
نعم حضرت الأخبار قبل ما أطلع على شغلي اليوم، بكيت و سبيت أكم من كلمة ما بيجوا على لساني أكتر من مرة بالسنة..وصلت الشغل تفششت بأكم من حدا قدامي و عملت اللي علي و روحت.
نعم حضرت الأخبار قبل ما أطلع على شغلي اليوم، بكيت و سبيت أكم من كلمة ما بيجوا على لساني أكتر من مرة بالسنة..وصلت الشغل تفششت بأكم من حدا قدامي و عملت اللي علي و روحت.
ما رح أنكر إنه الأحداث الحالية رجعتلي القرحة و القولون العصبي اللي شفيت منهم صارلي 3 سنين، و حاسة حالي رح أنجلط بأي ثانية، و أنا متأكدة إنه المعظم بقدر ييجي هون و يحكيلنا أعراض تعاطفه مع غزة و كيف انعكس هذا الحكي على حياته الشخصية و زادها نكد مؤقت. طيب و بعدين؟
الجملة اللي اخترتها كعنوان لفتت نظري بالأوبريت، ضلوا يرددوها كأنها تلميح للحل، هل أخوة العرب أقرب حل؟
"يمكن نسينا بيوم..إن العرب إخوان"
ليش متى كنا متذكرين هالمعلومة الرائعة؟لما أبوي مثلا ما يرضى يجوزني واحد لأنه أردني، أو تسمع عبارات مثل: "ما هو صدام بستاهل".."عمرك شفت سوري كريم؟"..."هدول الخلايجة بس حطهم للأكل و الجيزة".."السعوديين ماسكين الدين من طرفه و ما خفي أعظم".."الفلسطينية داقين ببعض خليهم يموتوا بستاهلوا".."المغرب و تونس مش عرب"..لبنان من كتر ما عصوا ربنا هيو عاقبهم!".....و تستمر التعميمات الهبلة، و و لا واحد من القائلين أفلح من اللي بحكي عليه..يا عرب مشان اللي خلقكم بكفي لت و عجن و حكي فاضي و اعملولكم شغلة ممكن تعطيكم شرف التجربة عالقليلة، هذا الكلام اللي في الهوا مش جايبكم الا لتحت و تحت كتيييير
ماشي..واضح اني معصبة و جاية أفضفض،بس كمان حابة أسمع منكم حلول،كل واحد ايش بقدر يعمل؟مني و علي أنا شايفة إنه كل واحد يبدأبحاله، "لا يغير الله ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم". أنا ما رح أعطي محاضرة دينية لأني ما عندي الكفاءة و العلم الكافي، جاية أحكي كبنت عادية جداً جداً..
بتذكر لما صارت أحداث جنين عام 2002 كنت أنا بالتوجيهي، لما تصير هيك أحداث بحس الواحد بشعور من القزمية و السخافة.و سرعان ما يتلاشى هذا الشعور..لكن مرات بكون في شعلة صغيرة جوا قلب الواحد بس بدها شوية تشجيع مشان يمشي شوي لقدام و يعمل شي مفيد. في حالتي كانت الخطوة الصغيرة جداً إني تحجبت، أكيد حجابي ما رجع شهداء جنين للحياة، لكن أنا مؤمنة 100% انه لو كل واحد فينا مشي خطوة لقدام مع النية انه يعقبها بكمان خطوة بالمستقبل و كلنا بنفس الاتجاه، رح نقود أنفسنا للحل.
ما بحكي عن الجانب الديني فقط عفكرة، الوعي يا بنات و شباب، الوعي! هذا لحاله كفيل انه ينقذنا لأنه الجهل قرب يغرقنا.
يعني لما اجي عالجامعة يوم اغتيال الشيخ أحمد ياسين و يدور الحوار التالي:
شو مالك؟ كل هاد مشان عندك امتحانين بنفس اليوم؟
طب شو في احكي!
سمعتي أخبار شي اليوم؟ اغتالوا الشيخ أحمد ياسين!!!!!
مشان هيك في اضراب؟
طيب..مين هادا ياسين؟
شو أعمل أنا اضربها؟؟ فش داعي أكمل الموقف.بس هادي عينة عشوائية للدلالة على درجة وعي الشباب بالعشرينات من أعمارهم، يعني بضل أسمع من الكبار عبارات فقدت معناها..انتوا أمل المستقبل، انتوا بدكم تحرروأ فلسطبن..بالله عنجد متوقعين من شب همه أفيع مكان للسهرة و التاني هدية فالنتاين صاحبته اهم من رضا امه عليه انه يعمل شي؟ و لا بنت ستار اكاديمي ماخد 90% من تفكيرها، و صاحبتها لابسالي بلوزة مكتوب عليها
"plug-in baby"
بكل هبل، انها يطلع من بطنها صلاح الدين؟؟ !!!
كل يوم عن يوم السخافة و الجهل بزداد،و مع الوقت عم بصير شي عادي!
احنا بدنا نساعد حالنا مشان نصير بني ادمين بالأول و نوظف شهاداتنا و علمنا و ديننا بشي محرز، و بعدين بنقدر نتاخى مع بعض،
و نقول:
يا عرب يا اخوان،انصروا غزة!!!
هالحكي بده شي 100 سنة فوفروا عواطفكم و دموعكم.
عذراً للإطالة.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Random Picks
what is this stupid song i'm listening to?
why am i so lazy to stop it?
why do i have this strong urge to write?
why am i making many spelling mistakes here?
and why am hallucinating like this?
why do i have so much to tell yet nothing to say? why does my vocabulary seem so...so...i can't even find the words to put here? my skills are degrading, who/what did this?
i wish i was one year younger.
i wish i knew what i want and how i wish i could focus more.
i miss the old me who used to be happy no matter what. and oh my god the song is on automatic replay looks like i really have to move the mouse cursor and close that window.
somebody please press my master reset button i don't like my current status any more.
something tells me there will be more hallucinations to come..
why am i so lazy to stop it?
why do i have this strong urge to write?
why am i making many spelling mistakes here?
and why am hallucinating like this?
why do i have so much to tell yet nothing to say? why does my vocabulary seem so...so...i can't even find the words to put here? my skills are degrading, who/what did this?
i wish i was one year younger.
i wish i knew what i want and how i wish i could focus more.
i miss the old me who used to be happy no matter what. and oh my god the song is on automatic replay looks like i really have to move the mouse cursor and close that window.
somebody please press my master reset button i don't like my current status any more.
something tells me there will be more hallucinations to come..
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy 2008?
I've always wondered, when we say happy new year, is it a sincere wish or just wishful thinking? at any rate i truly hope it'll be happy year for Jordan and the rest of the world, now that's wishful thinking..
Since life is what you make it, I can't see a reason why the resolutions you take have to be time stamped with new year's eve date, what really matters is that these resolutions you take are actually doable, on a personal level, 2007 was a very busy fluctuating year in every aspect that led to a mess, a huge set of choices and options, and still no clear decisions, so as far as I'm concerned I haven't even gained enough perspective to list down what I really want at this point, but I'm getting there, hopefully.
This morning while I was enjoying wasting my time for a change, I came across some really funny new year's quotes, and this was my favorite:
signed by Anonymous.
Now to come and think of it, it's almost always the real case. An example of the "old habit" in the quote above, is the despair and the drain of energy that took over Jordanian people and increased recently, we know we have to make some changes, and we do know indeed that we should counteract some others, we just "don't feel like it" because "what's the point?", and honestly I can't think of a motivation to trigger any action in the coming year.
During the same killing-time session, I recieved this sad in a funny way comic that I can't resist ending my post with, and that will really save me a long post describing the "happy" year we will spend in Jordan.
What a very positive post to start the new year :D
I truly wish every reader a fruitful year, what you consider fruitful is your own choice.
Since life is what you make it, I can't see a reason why the resolutions you take have to be time stamped with new year's eve date, what really matters is that these resolutions you take are actually doable, on a personal level, 2007 was a very busy fluctuating year in every aspect that led to a mess, a huge set of choices and options, and still no clear decisions, so as far as I'm concerned I haven't even gained enough perspective to list down what I really want at this point, but I'm getting there, hopefully.
This morning while I was enjoying wasting my time for a change, I came across some really funny new year's quotes, and this was my favorite:
Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
signed by Anonymous.
Now to come and think of it, it's almost always the real case. An example of the "old habit" in the quote above, is the despair and the drain of energy that took over Jordanian people and increased recently, we know we have to make some changes, and we do know indeed that we should counteract some others, we just "don't feel like it" because "what's the point?", and honestly I can't think of a motivation to trigger any action in the coming year.
During the same killing-time session, I recieved this sad in a funny way comic that I can't resist ending my post with, and that will really save me a long post describing the "happy" year we will spend in Jordan.
What a very positive post to start the new year :D
I truly wish every reader a fruitful year, what you consider fruitful is your own choice.
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